wardrobe lge

During this session I have 2 major goals. To organize and de-clutter your space and decipher what really suits you and what doesn't based on your body shape, style personality and colours. Once aware of what you already have I will discover what key pieces you are missing and will devise you a shopping list which will open up your wardrobe dramatically!

Items that are no longer needed or appropriate for you will be removed and you will be amazed at the weight that will be lifted. I will maximise your wardrobe by showing you how to mix and match your items to create multiple new outfits from your existing clothes. I will also take pictures for you so you can remember all your new looks. Just imagine opening your clutter free wardrobe daily, knowing that everything works in harmony and each and every piece fits, flatters and represents you perfectly.

This session lasts on average 2-4 hrs depending on the individual.

Note: To help you find those key pieces you may choose to book a personal shopping trip after your session. Having your colour analysis done before or after your wardrobe evaluation can also be arranged.

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